Labor Cost Payroll Summary

Compares entered dollar amounts vs actual costs due to employee hours


Report Example:





This report is useful when wanting to know if the labor cost for a specific period of hours, it will take you projected sales amount and employees wages and calculate the labor cost.





Default Value


Allow Graphics On the Report?


This option allows you to choose if you want to print the InfiniTime 7.0 logo on the report.

Group by Department?


This option will allow you to group the employees by department based on the selection you have made either Employee Default Department or Employee Worked in Department.

Page Break By Department?


This option allows you to page break the report at each department.

Print Inactive Employees?


This option will allow you to print information of the inactive employees along with the active ones.

Sales Amount?


In this option you must enter an amount, this amount is the amount you are going to compare to the employees wages.

Start Time?

12:00 AM

In this option enter the Start time you want to compare your labor cost (employee wages) vs. the sales amount you have entered above.

Stop Time?


12:00 AM

In this option enter the Stop time you want to compare your labor cost (employee wages) vs. the sales amount you have entered above.



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